Fares of Nagpur’s Majhi Metro restored to pre-COVID levels

Nagpur: Overwhelmed by massive response from Nagpurians, Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL) has restored the fare of Nagpur’s Majhi Metro to the pre-Covid level with immediate effect. The move is aimed at increasing the fares. Encouraged by the trend that...

Majhi Metro to run additional trains for Ind-Aus T20I match for Nagpur fans
City police make special arrangements for smooth traffic, parking of vehicles Nagpur: As a special gesture for the convenience of fans, Maha Metro authorities, on VCA’s request, have agreed to ply additional Metro trains from various stations in Nagpur till Chinchbhavan...
Majhi Metro set to start passenger services on Aqua Line from Sept 7
Nagpur: After having successfully launched the commercial operations along Khapri Metro Station to Sitabuldi Interchange early 2019, Maha Metro Nagpur is all geared up for its next mission – starting of passenger services from Lokmanya Nagar Metro Station to Sitabuldi...
‘Majhi Metro’ set to chug off in 2019 as two train sets to reach from China in Dec
Nagpur: The eager Nagpurians are set to witness their “Majhi Metro” chugging off with the dawn of 2019 as the first two sets of Metro would reach the city by the end of 2018. The coach manufacturing process...
No insurance cover for Majhi Metro commuters in case of any mishap
Nagpur: God forbid, if commuters travelling in the soon-to-be-launched Majhi Metro were to meet with any mishap, they will have to fend for themselves as Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL) has no insurance scheme for such unfortunate commuters. Currently,...
Work on Majhi Metro’s grand Zero Mile Station gains steam
Nagpur: Work on the iconic Zero Mile station of Maha Metro Nagpur is going on in rapid pace and a major section of the first Basement of the station is ready now. Zero Mile Station is located near the geographical...
महाराष्ट्राचा लाडका सिनेअभिनेता स्वप्नील जोशी ह्याची महामेट्रो ला सदिच्छा भेट
नागपूर: रणांगण चित्रपटाच्या प्रमोशनसाठी संत्रानगरीत आलेला सिनेअभिनेता सर्वांचा लाडका स्वप्नील जोशी नागपूर मेट्रो चे काम पाहून भारावला, आणि आतापर्यंतचे सर्वात जलद गतीने पूर्ण होणारे काम म्हणून त्याने माझी मेट्रो चे तोंडभरून कौतुक केले. यावेळी मेट्रोची रिप्लिका असलेले झिरो माईल स्थित...
Smart City board to integrate Nagpur Metro with city bus service
Nagpur: Even as Metro Rail project has been progressing at fast pace in Nagpur, efforts are also on to facilitate commuters to reach the metro stations in their respective areas. The Smart City board has now stepped in to take...
कॉटन मार्केट में 17 एकड़ में एनएमआरसीएल द्वारा बनाया जाएगा मल्टी मॉडल हब
नागपुर: शहर में शुरू मेट्रो रेल प्रोजेक्ट के साथ कई विभिन्न इलाकों में बड़े पैमाने पर इंफ्रास्टक्चर को विकसित किया जा रहा है। एनएमआरसीएल( नागपुर मेट्रो रेल कार्पोरेशन लिमिटेड ) की नजर कई ऐसी जगहों पर है जहाँ विकास की...
देश की सबसे तेज मेट्रो हमारे पास : डॉ. ब्रजेश दिक्षित
नागपुर: नागपुर मेट्रो को इस तरह से डिजाइन किया गया है कि वह 90 किलोमीटर प्रतिघंटे की रफ्तार से दौड़ सकती है. यह देश की सबसे तेज दौड़नेवाली मेट्रो ट्रेन साबित होगी. जब बात माझी मेट्रो की आती है तो...
Reality Check – Nagpur Metro will run at 90 KMPH not 25 as quoted by some
Nagpur: "Nagpur Metro is designed to run at 90 KMPH, becoming the fastest metro in the country. We are trying out a number of firsts where it comes to 'Majhi metro' - things that have never been tried or done...
Gadkari’s directive to connect small towns on Majhi Metro lines welcomed
Nagpur: A ‘Local Metro Rail’ chugging from Nagpur to Butibori, Ramtek, Wardha, Kamptee, Kanhan, Kalmeshwar, Katol, Bhandara and other nearby towns on the lines of Majhi Metro of Nagpur could soon be reality. Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation Limited (NMRCL)...
Second phase route of metro ready, metro to run between Vasudev Nagar and Dattawadi
Nagpur: The second phase route of Nagpur Metro Rail Project (NMRP) has been decided. Vasudev Nagar to Dattawadi route bas been finalised in the DPR. The second phase of the project after its extension of the route has become 43.5...
१६ जनवरी को ‘सीएमआरएस’ करेगी मेट्रो के मिहान डेपो का परीक्षण
नागपूर: मेट्रो के मिहान डेपो का परीक्षण करने के लिए "मेट्रो रेल्वे सुरक्षा आयुक्त (सीएमआरएस)"की टीम का जल्द ही नागपूर आगमन होगा। अगले सप्ताह, मंगलवार दिनांक १६ जनवरी को'सीएमआरएस' अंतर्गत मुंबई और लखनऊ से २ अधिकारियो कि जाँच टीम नागपूर...
महा मेट्रो द्वारा सुरक्षा मूल्यमापन
नागपूर : महा मेट्रोच्या नागपूर मेट्रो प्रकल्पाचे कार्य सुरू झाल्यापासून कर्मचाऱ्यांच्या सुरक्षतेला प्रथम प्राधान्य देण्यात आले आहे. सुरक्षतते संदर्भात कोणतीही तडजोड महा मेट्रोकडून स्वीकारल्या जात नसून, शहरात सुरू असलेल्या मेट्रो रेल प्रकल्पाचे कार्य 60 टक्के पूर्ण झाले असताना लवकरच एयरपोर्ट(साऊथ)...
माझी मेट्रो – 15 से 20 जनवरी के दरमियान सीआरएमएस का निरिक्षण
नागपुर: माझी मेट्रो यानि नागपुर मेट्रो का ट्रॉयल रन 15 से 20 जनवरी के दरमियान होना सुनिश्चित हुआ है। कमिश्नर और मेट्रो रेल सेफ़्टी की तरफ से ट्रॉयल रन का शेडूल सुनिश्चित कर लिया गया है। नागपुर मेट्रो के...
Now Industrial houses, corporate groups can have right for semi-naming metro stations
Nagpur: Maha Metro Nagpur has unveiled a unique strategy to involve the industrial, business houses and corporate groups in its developmental plans for its Metro Stations. The plan involves semi-naming of metro station after the business houses or corporate groups....
“झीरो माईल मेट्रो स्टेशन”
नागपूर: ब्रिटिश राजवटीत उभारण्यात आलेले 'झीरो माईल स्मारक' ऐतिहासिक वास्तू म्हणून प्रसिद्ध आहे. नागपूरच्या जुन्या मॉरेस कॉलेज समोर उभारण्यात आलेले हे स्मारक देशाच्या केंद्र स्थानी असल्याने ते भौगोलिक आणि व्यावसायिक दळणवळणाच्या दृष्टीने देखील फार महत्वाचे ठरते. सध्या या ठिकाणी नागपूर...
महा मेट्रोच्या नागपूर फेसबुक पानावर ४ लाख चाहते
नागपूर: नागपूर मेट्रोचे काम सुरु झाले तेव्हा ३ वर्षाआधी सुरु केलेले फेसबुक पान आज ४ लाख नागरिकांच्या पसंतीस उतरले आहे. संपूर्ण शहरात सुरु असणाऱ्या मेट्रो बांधकामाची अद्ययावत माहिती तपासणे आणि मनात येणाऱ्या शंकांचे निरसन करून घेणे त्यांच्या रोजच्या जगण्याचा एक...
Right time to invest in Nagpur Metro Rail Project’s property: Dr Brijesh Dixit
Nagpur: This the right time to invest in the first phase of Nagpur Metro Rail Project’s property as the metro rail has already started its run on three stations observed Managing Director of Maharashtra Rail Corporation Ltd. He was speaking...
Majhi Metro gets RDSO Certificate
Nagpur: In a major boost, Majhi Metro has received the RDSO (Research Design and Standards Organization) Certificate for the successful conduct of oscillation trial at 5.2 at grade section between Khapri and Airport South stretch. The trial was conducted on...