नो-फ्लाय लिस्ट: गैरवर्तन करणाऱ्या प्रवाशांवर लादली जाऊ शकते आयुष्यभराची बंदी

नवी दिल्ली: विमानात गैरवर्तन करणाऱ्या प्रवाशांवर कमीत कमी 3 महिने प्रवास बंदी घातली जाणार आहे. DGCA ने प्रथमच नो-फ्लाय लिस्टची नियमावली शेअर केली आहे. यात गैरवर्तनाला तीन प्रकारांमध्ये विभागण्यात आले आहे. यामध्ये कायमची विमानप्रवास बंदी लादण्याचीही तरतूद आहे. दुसरीकडे केंद्रीय...

by Nagpur Today | Published 7 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Friday, September 8th, 2017

No-fly rules finalised, has minimum 2-year ban

New Delhi: Minister of State for Civil Aviation Jayant Sinha today announced the finalisation of the country's first no-fly list. The minister said the motive behind the No-Fly List was the safety and security of passengers, which was a priority...

By Nagpur Today On Saturday, May 6th, 2017

Look who is praising Centre’s ‘no-fly’ list

New Delhi: Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad on Friday hailed the central government's announcement of new rules for a 'no-fly list' for unruly passengers which will include suspension for offences. Gaikwad told media, "The guidelines were needed to address the issues...

By Nagpur Today On Friday, May 5th, 2017

Gaikwad aftershock: New rules today for airlines banning passengers

New Delhi: The Centre on Friday will announce a draft rule for a 'no-fly list' for unruly passengers in the aftermath of the debacle surrounding Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad, who assaulted an Air India staffer onboard a plane. The Civil...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, April 10th, 2017

फिर उसी फ्लाइट में हुए गायकवाड़ सवार, जिसमें कर्मचारी को पीटा था

मुंबई: ट्रैवल बैन हटने के बाद शिवसेना सांसद रविंद्र गायकवाड़ आज फिर उसी फ्लाइट पर सवार हुए जिसमें उन्होंने एयर इंडिया कर्मचारी से मारपीट की थी. सांसद रविंद्र गायकवाड़ आज सुबह 7.40 बजे पुणे से दिल्ली के लिए AI-852 से...

By Nagpur Today On Friday, April 7th, 2017

Air India lifts flight ban on Ravindra Gaikwad

New Delhi/Mumbai: Air India revokes flight ban on Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad with immediate effect. The ban was revoked after a regret letter to the civil aviation minister from Gaikwad yesterday: Air India sources. This comes after the Civil aviation...

By Nagpur Today On Friday, April 7th, 2017

It will be a crying shame if Gaikwad is let off, says AI employees

New Delhi: This should make all Air India naysayers switch to the airlines again. One for all, all for one, we say. That's an image of Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad's Air India ticket which was cancelled by the airlines. The Air...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Gaikwad in Parliament: AI employee assaulted me first, so I pushed him

New Delhi: Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad, who is accused of criminal intimidation and attempt to murder of an Air India employee, speaks in parliament. Highlights of what he said. -- There is an attempt to spread false information against me....

By Nagpur Today On Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

Air India cancels Sena MP Gaikwad’s ticket again!

Mumbai: Air India has cancelled Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad's Mumbai-Delhi ticket again. Air India which instituted a fly ban for the MP who slapped an elderly employee 25 times with his slippers, has blacklisted the MP. On Friday, Air India...

By Nagpur Today On Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

शिवसेना ने दिया विशेषाधिकार हनन का नोटिस

नई दिल्ली: शिवसेना ने अपने सांसद रविंद्र गायकवाड़ पर विमानन कंपनियों द्वारा लगाए गए यात्रा प्रतिबंध को लेकर लोकसभा में विशेषाधिकार हनन प्रस्ताव का नोटिस दिया है, जो विचाराधीन है। लोकसभा अध्यक्ष सुमित्रा महाजन ने मंगलवार को कहा कि उन्हें...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, March 27th, 2017

मीडियाशी बोलू नका, उद्धव ठाकरेंची गायकवाडांना समज

मुंबई: शिवसेना खासदार रवींद्र गायकवाड यांच्या एअर इंडिया प्रकरणाबाबत उद्धव ठाकरेंनी यांनी फक्त समज दिली आहे. मीडियाशी कोणताही संपर्क साधू नका, अशी सूचना उद्धव ठाकरेंनी रवींद्र गायकवाड यांना दिली आहे. एअर इंडियाच्या अधिकाऱ्याला चपलेने मारल्यानंतरही शिवसेना रवींद्र गायकवाड यांच्या पाठीशी...

By Nagpur Today On Friday, March 24th, 2017

Shiv Sena defends its MP Ravindra Gaikwad, says ‘airline needs to introspect’

Mumbai: Moments after Delhi police registered a First Information Report (FIR) against Parliamentarian Ravindra Gaikwad and booked him under the charges of assault, Shiv Sena defended its MP and said that the ‘airline needs to introspect’. Ravindra Gaikwad a first-time...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

शिवसेना सांसद रविन्द्र गायकवाड़ ने एयर इंडिया के कर्मचारी को चप्पल से मारा

मुंबई: शिवसेना के संसद रविन्द्र गायकवाड़ ने एयर इंडिया की फ्लाइट में मर्ज़ी की सीट नहीं मिलने को लेकर कर्मचारी को चप्पल से मारा। एयर इंडिया के प्रवक्ता ने इस बारे में जानकारी दी है। गायकवाड़ और एयर इंडिया के...