Perfect example of communal harmony on display in Nagpur!

Nagpur: The grandest Ravan Dahan event in Nagpur was also a perfect example of communal harmony. Ravan Dahan, the biggest and most popular event was organized on the occasion of Dussehra at Kasturchand Park (KP) in Nagpur on Wednesday,...

At KP Ground Nagpur, 55ft Ravan effigies ready to go up in flames
Nagpur: Giant effigies of Ravan, Kumbhakaran and Meghnad prepared at sanatan dharram yuvak sabha are ready to be burnt on Dussehra at the KP ground in Nagpur. This year size of the effigies of Ravan is 55ft, 50ftKumbhakaran and 45ft Meghnad...
In Pic : Ravan Dahan Celebration in Nagpur
Picture click by - Sumit Gaikwad Location - Parvati nagar ,Nagpur Nagpur: The Sanatan Dharam Yuvak Sabha staged Ravan dahan at Kasturchand Park (KP) ground on Tuesday. Various cultural activities was held before the burning of the effigies of demon...
Preparations for Ravan Dahan on Dussehra in full swing
Nagpur: Preparations for the much awaited event -- Ravan Dahan – on Dussehra or Vijayadashmi are in full swing. This year, Ravan Dahan will take place at Kasturchand Park on October 8. As such Ravan Dahan takes place at...
KP Ground heritage structure in danger, thanks to whims of Ravan Dahan organisers
Nagpur: Every year the effigy of Ravan is burnt to mark victory of good over evil on Dussehra, but this year the initiative is proving to be no good for KP Ground, city's most cherished heritage site where Ravan Dahan...
Video: Ravan Dahan Held @ K P Ground Nagpur
‘रावण’ की चिट्ठी – ‘कुंभकर्ण’ के नाम
(विशेष सूचना : महाबलशाली और अहंकारी आधुनिक 'रावण' की एक चिट्ठी दशहरा के खास मौके पर वर्तमान 'कुंभकर्णों' के नाम लिखी गई है. कृपया इसमें 'रावण' को 'सरकार' और 'कुंभकर्ण को देश की जनता' न समझा जाए) मेरे प्यारे कुंभकर्ण (देशवासियों ), आशा है आप स्वस्थ...
Ravan Dahan will happen as usual at KP ground!
Nagpur: The suspense is finally over! With two days to go for Dasera the Sanatan Dharam Yuvak Sabha has been allowed to carry out the traditional Ravan Dahan at Kasturchand park this year too. There was confusion and consternation among the...
अब से नहीं होगा कस्तूरचंद पार्क मैदान में रावण दहन
नागपुर: हेरिटेज संवर्धन कमिटी ने कस्तूरचंद पार्क मैदान में रावण दहन करने के लिए मिले आवेदन को ख़ारिज कर दिया है। बुधवार को मनपा मुख्यालय में आयोजित कमिटी की बैठक में रावण दहन की इजाजद माँगने वाले प्रस्ताव को ख़ारिज कर...
JNU के छात्रों ने प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को बनाया रावण ! फूंका पुतला
देश में दशहरे पर रावण का पुतला जलाने की परंपरा रही है, हिंदू धर्मशास्त्रों के अनुसार इस अधर्म पर धर्म की और असत्य पर सत्य की विजय का प्रतीक भी माना गया है। लेकिन इस बार एक तरफ सोशल मीडिया...
For 62 years, this man is creating Ravan for Dussehra event
Nagpur: It is time again when the effigy of Asura King Ravan is going to be burnt to ashes symbolizing the victory of good over evil. Nagpur Today did some research and found out the skilled artisan who makes Ravans for...
Praveen Togodia sets off Ravan Dahan in the city
Nagpur: Sanathan Dharam Yuva Sabha like every year, this year too had organized the Ravan Dahan on October 22, 2015. Including around 148-150 Youth, around 384 members of the Sanathan Dharam Yuva Sabha worked hard to make the event different,...