बाघों के संरक्षण को लेकर वन विभाग के वरिष्ठ अधिकारी नागपुर में करेंगे मंथन
नागपुर: वन विभाग के वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों की हर दो माह बाद होने वाली बैठक नागपुर में आयोजित होगी। आगामी 2 और 3 फ़रवरी को आयोजित सीनियर फ़ॉरेस्ट ऑफिसर कॉन्फ्रेंस में वन विभाग के आगामी एजेंडे पर चर्चा होगी। वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों की...
Tiger census in state from January 20, transect method to be used
Nagpur: The census of tigers will take place between 20 Jan to 25. In the census takes place every 4 years. Along with the tiger projects the census of tigers and other carnivorous and herbivorous animals in the State will...
VED invites People with IDEAS to an interactive meeting on creating World Class Tourism Experiences in Tiger Country
Nagpur: Vidarbha Economic Development council (VED) has always been in the forefront of promoting Eco-Tourism in this region and has taken several projects to achieve it. The eco-tourism potential has already been well-tapped nationally and globally in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh,...
Tiger tally up in buffer areas too of Tadoba, could it lead to more man-animal conflicts?
Nagpur: The tragedy of Vidarbha is that despite dense forests, and National parks beings located here, they are not being properly utilized as travel destinations leading to unnecessary conflicts between predators and farmers; even herbivores and farmers. On the other hand,...
बाघ से ज्यादा उसके शिकार का संरक्षण जरूरी : के. उल्लास कारंथ
नागपुर: बाघों के संरक्षण से बड़ा मसला उसके शिकारों के संरक्षण का है। शिकार अर्थात पशुधन का अनुपात कम होने से बाघों की संख्या कम होगी। क्योंकि उनके द्वारा किए गए अध्ययन में देखने में आया है कि प्रत्येक बाघ...
2016 वर्ष में गई 14 बाघों की जान
नागपुर: साल 2016 में 14 बाघों की जानें गई हैं। वन विभाग इसमें ही खुश है कि 14 में से शिकार केवल 1 बाघ का ही हुआ है जबकि 11 बाघ कुदरती तौर से मारे गए हैं और केवल 2...
Nearly 25 tigers from Jan to March are reported dead in Central India
Central India forests including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Nagpur: Nagpur is known as the Tiger Capital of India. Good revenue is being generated through Tiger tourism in the Tiger Capital. Two months ago, a 3-year-old female tiger was found...
Shifting tigers from Maharajbagh Zoo to Gorewada Zoo stalled
Nagpur: Large cats are always an attraction in any zoo. The majesty of such a large carnivore is spell-binding. The tiger (Panthera Tigris) is one of the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m...
Tigers win 2-1 against Grace, miss the Semi Final bus.
Nagpur Sports News: Although Gupta Tigers defeated Team Grace 2-1 they lagged behind in goal difference and made exit from the third edition of Lokmat’s Nagpur Premier League (NPL) Football Tournament at Yashwant Stadium on Thursday. Thus Meghe United and Abhijeet...
Uzor Onyekachi says Check and Mate as heroes Npl campaign comes to an end
Following Gupta Tiger’s Nigerian striker Uzor Onyekachi’s four goals, last year’s runners-up Baidyanath Heroes campaign have come to an end with 4-1 defeat in Lokmat’s Nagpur Premier League (NPL) Football Tournament at Yashwant Stadium on Monday. Uzor who scored four goals...
It’s the clash of the jungle for bragging rights as Tigers, Lions face off today
The spectators will witness one of the high profile clashes between Gupta Tigers and Abhijeet Lions in group one tie of Lokmat"s Nagpur Premier League (NPL) Football Tournament to be played at Yashwant Stadium at 8...