Mumbai: Class X student dies of heart attack even before start of SSC exam
Mumbai: Stress and pressure of Class X Board exam took one more toll when a student died of heart attack in the night of Wednesday just a day before the exam started. The deceased student has been identified as Ritik...
गुरुवार 1 मार्च से 10वीं क्लास की बोर्ड परीक्षाएं हुई शुरु
नागपुर: राज्य शिक्षा मंडल द्वारा ली जानेवाली 10वीं क्लास की बोर्ड परीक्षाएं गुरुवार से शुरू हो चुकी हैं. गुरुवार को पहला पेपर हुआ. नागपुर विभाग के 6 जिलों में में 682 परीक्षा केंद्रों पर 1 लाख 83 हजार 323 विद्यार्थी...
SSC Exam : हृदयविकाराच्या झटक्यानं दहावीच्या विद्यार्थ्याचा परीक्षेपूर्वीच मृत्यू
मुंबई: दहावीच्या विद्यार्थ्याचा बोर्ड परीक्षेच्या आदल्या रात्रीच हृदयविकाराच्या झटक्यानं मृत्यू झाल्याची धक्कादायक माहिती समोर आली आहे. ऋतिक घडशी असे मृत विद्यार्थ्याचे नाव आहे. ऋतिक घडशी हा दादर येथील शिशूविहार शाळेतील विद्यार्थी होता. आज इयत्ता दहावीच्या बोर्ड परीक्षेचा पहिला पेपर होता,...
1.87 lakh students from Nagpur div to appear for SSC exam today
File PicNagpur: The Std X SSC examination will start from Tuesday and over 1.87 lakh students will appear for the same in Nagpur division. The first major paper, however, starts only from Thursday with the important Hindi paper. The big...
HSC exam to start from Feb 28, SSC March 7
Nagpur: The written examinations for HSC (Class XII) will commence from February 28, while the SSC (Class X) exams will begin from March 7. According to an official communication issued by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education,...
Sandipani School achieves 100% result in SSC exam
Nagpur: Sandipani School this year too achieved 100% result in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Board Examination 2016. Pranjali Kadoo emerged topper in the school with 95.8% marks. Out of 34 students, 23 students secured distinction. The students credited the school...
Husamiah Girls High School students sparkle in SSC Exam
Husamiah Girls' High School too achieved 100% result in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Board examination. Afreen Ansari Mohd Gaous bagged the first position in the school with 96.6% marks. Tahura Zamani Khurshid Ali Haidry with 96% and Iffat Firdous Kashafudduja...
Students pack at exam centres in Nagpur as CBSE, State Board start finals
Nagpur: Hordes of students marched towards various examination centres in Nagpur as the Xth and XIIth board exams of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) as well as SSC examination of Maharashtra State Board began from Tuesday. More than 19,500 students...