Published On : Wed, Jun 2nd, 2021

: Virtual Summer Camp at The Achievers Pre-School


This summer physical camps are impacted due to the covid situation, so virtual camps are now the in thing. To keep the children engaged with learning activities the Achievers Pre School organized a virtual summer camp based on multiple intelligences .The camp was conducted for three weeks, starting from 10 th of May2021 to the 28 th of May 2021. The activities included story -telling, fitness, art, craft & skill smart tasks to suit every child’s multiple intelligences.It had a well-structured blend of activities which inspired the children to learn the new skills, ignite their creativity and get physically active.The camp helped in enhancing their kinaesthetic, spatial, social ,linguistic and interpersonal skills .

Children and parents participated enthusiastically in all the activities. Parents were really happy that they could keep their children meaningfully occupied and continue their learning during the summer break too. The parents thanked the camp incharge sports and dance mentor Ms. Barkha Chauhan and all the mentors for the smooth execution of the camp. Due to the overwhelming response the school has now announced a second camp on the requset of parents who had missed the first one.