Published On : Mon, Nov 11th, 2013

Vice-Chancellor refuses to be cowed down by pressure to postpone exams


vc-nuNagpur Today.

Amidst a lot of rumours, hue and cry of postponement of examinations, the Vice Chancellor has refused to postpone the examinations in spite of the recommendations of the Board of Examinations to postpone the exams. However he has agreed to accept the examination forms of the seven colleges, which were not done earlier. This move put a full stop to all the rumours  of postponement of examinations. All the examinations scheduled to be held tomorrow will be conducted as usual.

The indecision of the authorities of RTMNU had many students, parents and heads of various colleges in tenterhooks till 8 pm, since any decision either way would involve a lot of changes or preparations. However, the decision of VC put things in the right perspective of the preparations of conducting the exams.