Two more molestation cases were registered on Friday under Yashodhara Nagar and Nandanvan police station areas. In the first incidence, Yashodhara Nagar Police a 20-year-old youth was arrested for molesting a 14-year-old minor girl.
According to the complaint, the 14-year-old was going back home from her school when the accused Sanket Purushottam Borikar (20), a resident of Kundanlal Gupta Nagar, stalked her from Kawrapeth to Kundanlal Gupta Nagar and started passing indecent comments.
On the complaint of the girl, cops have arrested the youth under Section 354 (d), of the IPC and 1,1 of Law Amendment Act and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012.
In another incidence, 25-year-old youth was arrested for molesting a 25-year-old girl in Nandanvan police station area. Police said, the girl had gone to open Dumping yard premises to attend nature’s call. Meanwhile, the accused Santosh Nawalram Naitam (25), a resident of Suraj Nagar, near Dumping yard, came in front of her and outraged her modesty with his indecent act.
On the complaint of the girl, cops have registered a case under Sections 354 (k) and 509 of the IPC. Cops are further investigating the case.