Army To Open Sitabuldi Fort On 26 January 2023 On Occasion Of Republic Day

Nagpur: Heritage Sitabuldi Fort will be opened to general public on 26 January 2023 on occasion of Republic Day. Public can visit Historical Fort from 12 PM to 4 PM. The entry to the Fort shall be from Army Recruiting...

Nagpur’s Sitabuldi Fort to be open for public on Sept 11
Nagpur: The symbol of military heritage, Nagpur's Sitabuldi Fort is all set to open for the public on September 11 to mark the second Sunday of the month. The heritage site will be open for the general public from 9 am...
Sitabuldi Fort to remain open on R-Day
Nagpur: The historical Fort of Sitabuldi will remain open for the public on January 26, 2018 between 8 am and 4 pm. The entry will be closed at 3 pm at the main entrance gate. People are requested not to...
सीताबर्डी फोर्ट १ व २ चे शटडाऊन ४ डिसेंबर रोजी
File Pic नागपूर: मनपा-OCW यांनी सीताबर्डी फोर्ट १ व २ जलकुंभ यांच्या आंतरजोडणीचे काम सोमवार दि. ४ डिसेंबर रोजी सकाळी १० ते ५ डिसेंबर सकाळी १० दरम्यान हाती घेण्याचे ठरवले आहे. येथे उल्लेखनीय आहे कि, मध्य नागपूरच्या वसाहतींचा पाणीपुरवठा दाब व...
Sitabuldi Fort to remain open for public on Aug 15
Nagpur: The historic Sitabuldi Fort in the city will be kept open for public on August 15, 2017 between 8 am and 4 pm. The entry will be closed at 3 pm at the main entrance gate. Wing Commander Samir...
3 Major Facts You Don’t know About Sitabuldi Fort
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Decomposed body of man found in woody area of Sitabuldi Fort
Nagpur: The discovery of a highly decomposed body of a man in the woody area of Sitabuldi Fort created ripples on Tuesday afternoon. The spot is 30 metres away from Manas Chowk in the back side of the Fort. A...