SSC, HSC supplementary exam results out

Nagpur stands 2nd in SSC and 3rd in HSC in Maharashtra Nagpur: The Nagpur Division stood second in students’ pass percentage in Maharashtra in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) supplementary examinations while it stood third in Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) supplementary...
Maharashtra Civil Judges, Judicial Magistrate Results Declared at
Maharashtra Civil Judges, Judicial Magistrate Results Declared at vide advertisement No.57/2017 dated 21 February 2018. Maharashtra Public Service Commission has declared final results of Judicial Services on its official website today. MPSC has conducted exam for the posts of...
Glaring howlers in the RTMNU’s results, degrees
Nagpur: Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University’s (RTMNU) Examination Department on Amravati Road has been committing mistakes years after years in the results and degrees and still no efforts to correct them on their own. This has been putting the students...
9 जून को मिलेंगे विद्यार्थियों को कॉलेज से रिजल्ट
नागपुर: महाराष्ट्र राज्य माध्यमिक व उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षा मंडल के नागपुर विभागीय मंडल का रिजल्ट घोषित होने के बाद अब विद्यार्थियों को रिजल्ट के लिए 9 जून तक इंतज़ार करना होगा. 9 तारीख से विद्यार्थियों को रिजल्ट अपने कॉलेज से दिए...
CBSE JEE Main 2017 Results declared
Nagpur: CBSE JEE Main 2017: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has declared the results for paper 2 of the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam (IIT JEE) main 2017. Students who have appeared for the exam can...
नागपुर विश्वविद्यालय ने घोषित किए 478 रिजल्ट, बाकी रिजल्ट्स की घोषणा भी जल्द
नागपुर: राष्ट्रसंत तुकडोजी महाराज नागपुर विश्वविद्यालय की ओर से आयोजित 2017 की अधिकांश परीक्षाएं संपन्न हो चुकी हैं. हर वर्ष विद्यार्थियों को शिकायत रहती थी कि विश्वविद्यालय की ओर से रिजल्ट घोषित करने के लिए लेटलतीफी की जाती है. लेकिन इस...
NEET 2016: Results declared for phase 1 and 2
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the results of much-awaited National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test — phases 1 and 2 today. The result was expected to release on August 17, that is, tomorrow but the Board has just released...
MH CET 2015 Results declared
Mumbai/Nagpur: Must awaited , the MHT CET ( MH CET 2015 ) Result has been announced and available on the official website, The Directorate of Medical Education & Research (DMER) conducts the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT CET) every year for which...
Maharashtra SSC result 2013 to be declared on June 7
The results will be available after 1 pm Nagpur News : Maharashtra State Board SSC result 2013 to be declared on june 7. As soon as the HSC results were announced, there began speculation on the date of SSC results. Putting an...