MLC Polls | नागपूरचे माजी महापौर प्रवीण दटके भाजपचे उमेदवार
मुंबई: विधानपरिषद निवडणुकीसाठी भाजपने आपले चार उमेदवार जाहीर (BJP candidates for MLC poll) केले आहेत. भाजपने शर्यतीत असलेल्या उत्सुक नेत्यांना धक्का देत, निष्ठावंतांना पुन्हा एकदा डावलल्याचं चित्र आहे. विधानपरिषदेसाठी भाजपने माजी खासदार रणजितसिंह मोहिते पाटील, धनगर समाजाचे नेते गोपीचंद पडळकर,...
With Shiv Sena’s Jadhav jumping in ring, Ganar faces a double challenge
Nagpur: The last-minute nomination by Shiv Sena’s Prakash Jadhav for MLC election from Nagpur Teachers’ Constituency has thrown the poll field wide open. Jadhav filed his papers as official candidate of Shiv Sena on the last day of nominations. With...
विधानपरिषद चुनाव : 19 उम्मीदवारों का नामांकन
नागपुर: नागपुर विभाग से शिक्षक मतदाता संघ के चुनाव के लिए नामांकन का आज आखरी दिन था। मंगलवार को 11 उम्मीदवारों ने अपना नामांकन भरा अब तक कुल 19 उम्मीदवारों ने अपना नामांकन भरा है। जिन उम्मीदवारों ने चुनाव लड़ने...
Cabinet expansion in State and the curious legislators!!
Nagpur: Recently, BJP’s Girish Vyas won the MLC election absolutely unopposed. Till the filing of nomination the nomination of present Mayor Pravin Datke was a certainty in BJP but at the last moment the picture changed. Candidature of Girish Vyas...
Congress and NCP agree to share seats to contest elections for 8 MLC seats
Nagpur. Earlier claiming to be separately contesting Maharashtra Assembly elections, the Congress and the NCP have now agreed for seat-sharing to contest the ensuing MLC elections. It was revealed by NCP state president, Sunil Tatkare, while talking to media during his visit...
Mulak, the only one, in Congress for MLC election from local body?
Nagpur: As MLC election from local self-governing body is to be held in coming December month, the Congress party is keen on showing its enthusiasm with its candidate at hand while the BJP is still maintaining its mystery and has...
Winter Session-preparations awaiting Cabinet expansion
Nagpur: The city administration is now busy at making preparations for ensuing Winter Session of Maharashtra State Legislature here. All precautions are being taken to ensure that no smudge of any irregularity or lacuna should emerge to affect the image...
Who are going to be voters of Local Self-Governing Body Constituency?
Dilemma prevails until notification is issued by state election commission. Nagpur: The election for Maharashtra State Legislative Council member's post from Nagpur based local self-governing body constituency is due in December 2015. But in this election, the nominated members of Nagar...
MLC election from local body to be held in December
Once again a tussle likely between Mulak and Datke or Vyas Independent voters soaring high Nagpur: As the enthusiasm for election of an MLC from local self governing body is growing, and may take place after Diwali festivity, the efforts to allure...