The selection trial to pick-up the Nagpur District. Senior Men and Women Sepak Takraw (kick volleyball) teams will be held on November 4-5-2012 at Danwate National College Play Ground Congress Nagar, Nagpur.
The selected Nagpur District Men and Women players will represent the Nagpur
District in the 23rd Senior State Sepak Takraw championship which is scheduled to be held on November 9-11-2012 at Kalyan Thane organized by Thane District Sepak Takraw Association as informed by Dr.Y.V.Pandey Secretary NDSTA through a press release.
Players of different Clubs, Institutions and Organizations of Nagpur District are requested,to report Danwate National College Play Ground Congress Nagar, Nagpur on 4th November 2012 at 7.30 am.
Interested Men and Women Players are requested to contact Ramesh Mandal coach of NDSTA. For more detail they can contact Dr. Sukdev Biswas and Dr. Y. V.
Pandey on Mobile 9422818235 and 9822110610.