Published On : Tue, Jul 25th, 2017

One can win elections on fake promises but not a war: Uddhav’s dig at PM


Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray today said that before provoking China, the government needs to keep in mind the defence preparedness of the country.

In a dig at the ally BJP, Thackeray also said one might be able to win elections by making false promises but a war cannot be won by indulging in self-praise.

“The Pakistan and China threats have increased in recent past and we do not have enough ammunition to fight them.


Then what has this strong government done in 3 years?” Thackeray said in concluding part of his interview to the Sena mouthpiece ‘Saamana.’

“When we tell China that India today is different from what it was in 1962, we should remember the kind of ammunition that we possess before opening our mouth,” he said.

“One can win elections on fake promises and self-eulogy but not a war,” said Thackeray, whose party is a constituent of the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre and in Maharashtra.

Thackeray also said the government has not delivered on its promise of generating a large number of jobs.

“After the demonetisation, in the last 4 months, 15 to 16 lakh people have lost their jobs and the situation will only worsen in future,” he said.

Asked about the victory of the BJP in civic polls in the state, the Sena president said this has happened only in Maharashtra and in states like Goa and Punjab the party did not do well.

“In Goa, none of the top Congress leaders like Soniaji took part in poll campaigns while (Prime Minister) Modiji campaigned for his party. The Congress did not even project a big face but got more seats than the BJP. In Punjab, the party (BJP) was decimated,” he said.