Published On : Sun, May 19th, 2013
Latest News | By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Nagpur businessman cheats Kerala firm to the tune of Rs. 1,88.50,000


The accused trader, Pravin Ninave, had made an agreement with Kerala company to supply 14,500 tons of barley worth Rs. 14,85,00,000 out of which Pravin received Rs 1,88.50,000 as advance but the accued did not supply the stuff thus breaching the accord, and, trust, too

Nagpur News: A businessman from Orange City cheated a Kerala firm of a massive amount of Rs 1,88.50,000 by breaching a deal agreed with the Kerala firm.

The Nagpur businessman Pravin Ninave (45), a resident of Flat No. 102, Riddhi Sadanika, Gajanan Nagar, Samajbhushan Layout on Wardha Road through his National Commodity Supply Corporation of India company made an agreement with M/s Omepars Tasuri Trading Company Iran, owned by one Sadcchinand S Sridharan (60), a resident of Gokul Impex Maria Plaza Building Rajgir Road, North Kalamasuri, Ernakulam, Kerala. According to the agreement, Pravin Ninave’s company was to supply 14,500 tons of barley at agreed cost of Rs. 14,85,00,000 out of which Pravin received Rs 1,88.50,000 as advance.


However, Pravin Ninave did not supply a grain leave alone the 14,500 tons of barley to the Kerala firm thus beaching the agreement, and, trust, as well and cheating the firm of a massive amount of money. The court of First Class Magistrate, Kerala, acting on a complaint by Sadcchinand S Sridharan, ordered an FIR to be filed under Sections 156(3), 420, 406 against the accused Pravin Ninave at Kalamasari Police Station in Kerala. However, since the incident occurred under Dhantoli Police Station jurisdiction during an investigation, Police-Sub-Inspector Chandure registered an offence at Dhantoli Police Station itself and probing the case further.