Nagpur among 92 cities unders Govt ‘Prescription free’ medicines policy


Nagpur: Under the Central government’s ‘Prescription Free Medicine Policy’, 95 cities including Nagpur, will be granted funds by National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) to make civic administration run hospitals self sufficient in availability of medicines and impose a ban on purchase of prescribed medicines from outside.

Under this policy, patients will get medicines within Nagpur Municipal Corporation run hospitals, as oppose to purchasing them from outside. NMC sources said that action will be taken against those doctors who are prescribing medicines to patients from outside. NMC officials will discuss on the policy in detail at the general body meeting of NMC on April 20.

After the implementation of the policy, people will be able to lodge a complaint against those doctors who are prescribing them medicines from outside through a toll-free number- 104. NMC nodal officer Dr Anil Chavhan said that if the policy is implemented, then doctors will be barred to prescribe medicines to patients from outside.
