Published On : Fri, Jun 21st, 2019

Monsoon’s a week away in Vid, Nagpur receives light showers

Nagpur: Light showers that drenched many parts of Nagpur on Thursday, unfolded heavy bouts of humidity on Friday morning. The Met department has predicted arrival of monsoon in the next 5-6 days. The rains however brought some respite from the scorching heat that has been pinching hard to the Nagpurians for the past few months, but the season is yet to shift.

On Thursday 2 mm rainfall was recorded in Nagpur, which took the temperature down to 40.6 degree Celsius, compared to Wednesday’s maximum temperature of 41.5 degree Celsius.

Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) Nagpur informed that monsoon has already hit Goa and Konkan and is expected to arrive in Vidarbha soon.


Meanwhile, the citizens welcomed the first showers with great deal of enthusiasm as the rains brought pleasurable change for them. The city roads too wore a drenched look while the joy was very much evident among the people.

On the other hand, NMC has pumped its task force into service to prompt its monsoon preparedness. Gutter lines were being cleaned across various busy stretches of the city.