Published On : Mon, Jun 3rd, 2013
Latest News | By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Monsoon likely to hit Maharashtra in 2-3 days: IMD


Nagpur News: According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), monsoon is likely to hit areas of south central Maharashtra, south Konkan, Goa and Andhrta Pradesh in the next two to three days.

The expectation comes two days after the timely onset of southwest monsoon that brought relief to Kerala. The state passed through an unusually scorching summer causing a grim drought situation.


However, spread of various types of viral fever, including a large number of dengue and a few cumulative H1N1 cases, is causing grave concern across Kerala with its public health care system struggling to cope with the situation.

Up north, the temperature in most part of Madhya Pradesh including state capital Bhopal has dipped due to partial and heavy clouding apart from pre-monsoon showers in some areas.