Published On : Sat, Feb 16th, 2013
Latest News | By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Maya’s rally in Nagpur may not help BSP reap poll profits, claim insiders


Nagpur News.

A kingsize affair is being made out of the scheduled visit of Bahujan Samaj Party supremo Mayawati ala ‘Behenji’ in Nagpur. A replica of Red Fort has been created at Kasturchand Park from where Mayawati would address her supporters on February 17. The order of preparation is in tandem with electoral signs.

However, sources believe entire exercise may not yield desired fruits. Political analysts are of the view that the massive show of strength on which Mayawati banks in Nagpur cannot churn out a single public representative. The BSP stalwart would have to register its presence in Maharashtra poll field with the support of borrowed candidates. In the process the party would be able to maintain its status as the national party.


Insiders informed that the BSP leader Vilas Garoor has been trying every bit to make Mayawati’s rally in Nagpur a big success. He has been a regular visitor at Ravi Bhawan for the last 10 days. Admitting that the rally is being organized in view of upcoming assembly and general elections, Garoor claimed that the proposition would be lavish of all the public meetings organized in the past history of Nagpur. He went on claim that BSP would even break the record of this rally in the coming days.

Mayawati’s next destination would be southern India.

The customary practice of fund collection associated with every rally of Mayawati would be seen in this one too. Party’s media incharge said that ‘targets’ have been meted out to all the district presidents, office bearers, nagarsewaks and state level party leaders for organising this rally. Every district president has to deposit Rs 1 lakh each and every nagarsewak would have to shell out Rs 50,000 for the purpose. The forceful extraction of the fund has been the bone of contention among the party cadres as even those coming down to hear behenji are being paid, insiders revealed.

Despite these efforts, creating a single representative would remain a far-fetched dream for BSP. The party would not be able to open its poll account on its own, observers indicated, adding that once again Mayawati would have seek outside support to preserve its identity in Maharashtra.