Published On : Tue, Oct 23rd, 2012
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Maharashtra Industry to observe bandh on October 25th 2012


Nagpur News: Major Associations of Vidarbha have decided to observe a state wide bandh on OCtober 25th demanding a roll back of power tariff hike by MSEDCL. In a press release jointly issued by VIA, Federation of Industries and all Association of Vidarbha have called and declared closure of industrial units on 25th October from 8:00 Am to 8:00 pm. An appeal has also been made requesting all industries of vidarbha for their support and assemble at VIA Udyog Bhawan at 10:30 am on 25th October for submitting Memorandum to authorities. In this connection it is worth mentioning that delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission has reduced electricity tariff by 40 % considering strong protest from consumers says the press release.
