Extra fees at Schools: Podar International, St Vincent Pallotti, St Xavier to face action in Nagpur


Nagpur: Podar International School at Besa, Saint Vincent Pallotti High School in Jafar Nagar, and Xavier’s School at Hiwari Nagar are set to face stern action by the office of the Deputy Director of Education for taking additional fees without following directives of the Education Department.

The investigation revealed that these schools took around Rs 9 crore additional fees from parents during the last three years. The Deputy Director of Education has ordered to return this fee to the parents within one month, but the question about whether this order will be followed. Similarly, looking at such a huge amount, whether these schools are additional fee recovery centers or not.

After a detailed investigation, the concerned order was issued by the Deputy Director of Education Vaishali Jamdar. The schools have to return additional fees to the parents within one month and a report in this regard has to be submitted to the office of Deputy Director for Education.

Complaints about the additional fee being charged by these schools were made by parents and the Alert Parents Committee to the education officer and the office of deputy director of education. On the basis of these complaints, the primary and middle education officers formed an investigation committee for the duration starting from September to December. When documents received from the school were checked, it was found that these schools took an additional fee of around Rs 9 crore from 2017-18 to 2019-20.