Published On : Mon, Sep 11th, 2023

Drunkard son kills father for refusing to pay for liquor in Nandanvan, Nagpur


Nagpur: In a horrifying incident that unfolded in Shakti Mata Nagar, under Nandanvan Police Station after a 45-year-old man was apprehended by cops on Saturday for the brutal murder of his father. The assailant, identified as Amit Raipurkar, resorted to violence when his father, Krishnarao Sadashiv Raipurkar, a retired surveyor at the age of 75, refused to fund his drinking habit.

Amit, a private driver and a father of two, had been grappling with alcoholism, which had taken a toll on his family life. Police sources suggest that his inebriated state often led to disturbances at his residence. On the fateful evening, at approximately 7:30 pm, Amit returned home in a heavily intoxicated state. He immediately began to demand money from his wife, Archana (32), and his father, Krishnarao, to finance his habit.


When both Archana and Krishnarao declined Amit’s demands, the situation took a violent turn. Enraged, Amit turned his aggression towards his wife, physically assaulting her. It was then that Krishnarao, driven by a paternal instinct to protect his daughter-in-law, stepped in to rescue her. In response, Amit unleashed a torrent of abusive language upon his father, berating him for his disapproval of his drinking habits.

Tragically, the altercation escalated further when Amit seized an iron walking stick and launched a vicious attack on Krishnarao, targeting his back. The assault left the septuagenarian grievously injured. In desperation, Archana swiftly contacted the police and rushed Krishnarao to Itkelwar Hospital, Sakkardara. However, the medical team declared him ‘brought dead’ upon arrival.

Upon receiving the distressing information, a team from the Nandanvan Police promptly arrived at the scene. Amit Raipurkar was swiftly taken into custody. Subsequently, after obtaining Archana’s statement, the police registered a case against Amit under Sections 302 (murder) and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace) of the Indian Penal Code.