Published On : Fri, Dec 21st, 2018

Video: Darling of Nagpur BDDS, daredevil sniffer dog Surya retires on Dec 31


City cops to accord grand farewell to the Labrador in a befitting manner

Nagpur: It could be termed as the ‘sunset’ on a glorious era of impeccable service. In his 10 years of service with the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) of Nagpur police, this sniffer dog achieved remarkable feats. This canine trailed and caught many criminals with ease. This ‘fast and furious’ BDDS member also detected and prevented explosive tragedies umpteen times.


And now, the grateful Nagpur Police, as a last salute, would be according him a grand farewell. Yes, we are
talking of a Labrador, Surya, the sniffer dog who is retiring from the police service soon.

Patting the sniffer dog, the Commissioner of Police Dr Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay said, “Our brave officer ‘Surya’ helped us crack many complicated cases. Nagpur police will miss him as ‘Surya’ is officially retiring from service by December end. However, a grand farewell awaits this sniffer dog as a gratitude.”

Farewell function:
Born in January 2008, Surya was inducted into Nagpur police force when he was just 2-month old.
The Woman Police Inspector of Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad Vaijayanti Mandavdhare said that the official farewell function could be organised on December 31 at Police Headquarters. “We are, with heavy hearts, waiting to salute Surya the last time for his outstanding 10-year service. The sniffer dog would be felicitated by offering him the traditional shawl and shriphal. Surya was darling of the police force. He is very clever, of peaceful nature but ferocious to criminals. Apart from Surya, the BDDS has sniffer dogs named Raja, Shera, and King, a Labrador,” the WPI said.

Dog handler head constable Kakde to adopt Surya after his retirement:
Usually, after retirement the police dogs are adopted by pet lovers or NGOs working for animals. However, the dog handler head constable Sunil Kakde said, “With his growing age, Surya looks somewhat frail but is full of energy even today. Surya, who is with police force almost since his birth, has become a family member. Even after the sniffer dog’s retirement, I will adopt him and take care of him till the last,” Kakde said with teary eyes. Apart from Kakde, Naik Police Constable Dnyaneshwar Thakre also worked with Surya in his 10-year service. “Surya does not eat food if served by others except Kakde and me. He is pure vegetarian.

The sniffer dog understands only
English words or language. When Surya was inducted in the force at the age of two months, his health suddenly took a hit with Gastro. He was admit for three days and had to be treated for 15 more days. Dr Dhakate who treated Surya had said that Surya would not survive. The doctor’s words stunned us. However, Surya, on the contrary, made a fast recovery and since then was hardly ill.

Later, we took Surya to Pune’s Bomb Dog Centre for six-month training. After the training, Surya
became a master in the BDDS in detecting hidden explosives,” Thakre said proudly.
Highlights of 10-year service of Surya:

  • Surya is black Labrador species and currently weighs 38 kg. He was inducted into police force
    in January 2008. Around Rs 10,000-12,000 are spent for his special food. Surya’s official
    retirement date is December 31, 2018.
  • The sniffer canine was deployed on many jobs and did a spending job specifically in the VVIP
  • Surya was very handy in Naxalhit areas including Gadchiroli, Gondia, Bhandara during
    Assembly and Lok Sabha elections.
  •  Surya was very helpful during Winter Session held in Nagpur.
  • The Labrador displayed his skills in 2013 when reports came in that grenades and other
    explosives were planted in Kalmeshwar area. Explosion had even claimed lives of many
    animals. Showing his class, Surya sniffed the entire one kilometre area and detected eight
    live grenades. Subsequently, the grenades were defused.
  •  Similarly, Surya had also helped in detecting gelatine sticks hidden in Bazargaon in 2013
  • Reports of many unclaimed bags lying at Railway Station continue to pour in. The bomb
    scare triggered panic several times. Surya was often deployed to confirm whether the bags
    contained bombs or other explosives. Cops would heave a sigh of relief when Surya signalled
    nothing perilous.In one such case in 2014, an unclaimed bag was found lying at Nagpur Railway Station premises. The sniffer dog of RPF and GRP had signalled bomb in the bag. This led to panic at the Railway Station. Passenger safety was paramount and they were to be taken to a safer place. But by the time, Nagpur Police’s BDDS reached the spot along with

    After sniffing the unclaimed bag, Surya signalled no bomb in the bag. Surya’s feat
    relieved the city cops but the dog handler of RPF and GRP faced action.

    In the BDDS, one’s life is always at risk but Surya never hesitated to perform his duty the risks

By Ravikant kamble
Nagpur Today