Published On : Mon, Apr 8th, 2019

‘Circus on truck’ leaves passersby amused in Kanhan


Nagpur: ‘Circus on truck.’ A curious exercise could aptly be described in these three words.It all happened when a six-wheeler truck was transporting large bags of rice bran overloaded to the brim from Tarsa Road town to Nagpur recently.

Midway near Kanhan, a ten-wheeler truck coming from opposite direction passed through the road very close to the rice bran laden truck. In the process, the ten-wheeler truck ripped a couple of rice bran bags apart.


As a result, the loose rice bran started gushing out. The startled truck drive to save the rice bran, climbed up the massive bags and started sewing the holes in a precarious position. A slight mistake could have sent the truck driver crashing on the road and injured him seriously.

The passersby witnessed the ‘circus on truck’ with amusement.