Published On : Sat, May 25th, 2019

Cash, valuables worth Rs 1.37 lakh stolen from house in Gaddigodam



Nagpur: Some unidentified burglars sneaked into a senior citizen’s house in Gaddigodam on May 24 and decamped with gold ornaments and cash to the tune of Rs 1.37 lakh. The incident reported under Sadar police station.

In her complaint, a 63-year-old Chandabai Naresh Dahat told police that, on Friday evening she had gone out when some miscreants barged inside her house by breaking the latch of the main door and fled with the gold ornaments and cash kept in iron almirah. The burglary came to fore when Chandabai return home only to find her ransacked house.


Following the complaint of a 63-year-old Sadar police have booked the unidentified miscreants under Sections 457, 380 of the IPC and launched the manhunt.
Housebreaking in Sadar, booty worth Rs 1.37lakh stolen

Nagpur: Some unidentified burglars targeted a senior citizen’s house in Gadigodam on May 24 and decamped with gold ornaments and cash to the tune of Rs 1.37 lakh. The incident reported under Sadar police station.

In her complaint, a 63-year-old Chandabai Naresh Dahat told police that, on Friday evening she had gone out when some miscreants barged inside her house by breaking the latch of the main door and fled with the gold ornaments and cash kept in iron almirah. The burglary came to fore when Chandabai return home only to find her ransacked house.

Following the complaint of a 63-year-old Sadar police have booked the unidentified miscreants under Sections 457, 380 of the IPC and launched the manhunt.