Published On : Sat, Sep 7th, 2019

Burglars strike at two houses in same building in Arya Nagar, booty worth Rs 3.62 lakh stolen



Nagpur: Unidentified burglars struck at two houses in the same building in Arya Nagar, Koradi police jurisdiction, and decamped with cash and gold ornaments collectively worth Rs 3.62 lakh. The thefts occurred between September 1 and 6 when the owners had gone out of station.

One of the complainants, Shridhar Krishnakumar Naidu (32), resident of Plot No. 145, Arya Nagar, along with family had gone to Tirupati Balaji from September 1 to 6. In the meantime, unidentified burglars gained entry into Naidu’s house by breaking door lock open. The burglar laid their hands on cash Rs 21,000 and gold ornaments worth Rs 1.45 lakh. Furthermore, the miscreants also struck at Amit Bissa’s house, situated at ground floor of same building, and decamped with gold-silver jewellery worth Rs 1.98 lakh. Amit had also gone out of station. Thus the booty collectively worth Rs 3.62 lakh was stolen from the two house at one go.


Koradi police constable Rajendra has registered a case under Sections 454, 457, 380 of the IPC and launched a search to nab the burglars.