Published On : Tue, Dec 6th, 2022

Blood Donation Camp was organized with HDFC Bank Nagpur -Jeevan Jyoti Blood Bank.


The most significant and essential contribution of the human being is considered as blood donation. The Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES) has been functioning with the motto “NOT ME BUT YOU” in view of making the youth inspired in service of the people and hence ACES Aims Education through Community Service and Community Service through Education. The Blood Donation Camp was organized on 2nd Dec.2022, in association with HDFC Bank Nagpur – Jeevan Jyoti Blood Bank.

Apart from academics, the Institution extends support to nurture the ethical, social and human values. Dr. Sudhir N. Shelke Principal GNIT addressed the gathering and emphasized the necessity of Blood Donation owing to acute shortage of blood in the Country. He also insisted the youth to donate blood in larger magnitude to benefit the mankind. Dr. N. S. Raman, Dean R&D, Dr. Narendra Wadaskar, Prof. S. M. Gajbhiye, HOD Civil, GNIT were part of the event.


Ms. Malika Sheikh, President ACES – Expressed his joy for the discipline in the Campus – which paves way for everything. She mentioned that the noble act of Blood Donation will save lives and families. She expressed his sincere thanks to the Management, Staff, Volunteers and Donors for having donated “Blood with love”.

The Camp had overwhelming response from the Staff and Students. More than 100 units of blood was donated by the Staff & Students. Prof. Fanindra F. Katre, Event Coordinator distributed Appreciation Certificates for the donors as a token of goodwill gesture.