Published On : Tue, Feb 12th, 2013

Youth physically and sexually exploits girl for rejecting marriage proposal


Nagpur News : Monday night proved to be a dark day for Sandhya (name changed) when a jolted lover beat her black and blue and exploited her sexually for rejecting his marriage proposal on Monday night.

According to Nandavan police, accused Hitesh Phoolchand Karwade (24), a resident of Kumbhar Toli, was madly in love with Sandhya and wanted to marry her. But, Sandhya didn’t love him. She had warned Hitesh earlier also to stay away from her. But, Hitesh didn’t stop following her.

According to information, on Monday night, Hitesh stopped Sandhya near Kumbha Toli bridge and again proposed her for marriage. But, Sandhya refused again.


When he couldn’t take the refusal, outraged Hitesh started humiliating her. Soon, he began beating her and used abusing language. Later, he sexually exploited her and left her there. Scared Sandhya rushed to her house and told her parents about the incident.

Her parents took her to Nandanvan Police Station an offence under Sections 341, 354, 323, 504 and 506 of the IPC was registered against Hitesh. PI Sunil Jaiswal informed that cops arrested Hitesh within few hours. Further investigations are underway.