Published On : Sat, Nov 8th, 2014

Why is Nagpur Water 95% Pure

– 432 km age old, rusted pipeline replaced,

– 71,342 HSC’s replaced
– 288 km restoration completed
– 250 km pipeline laying thru ‘Trenchless Technology’.


The Orange City Water (OCW) along with rehabilitation work (changing of pipelines and House Service Connections : HSCs) have also completed restoration work on war footing as part of NMCs ambitious uninterrupted (24X7) water supply project in almost 34 ESR command areas in city.

It may be mentioned here as the rehabilitation project and restoration work are going on ESR (Elevated Service Reservoirs) command area wise, the plan of each ESR command area has been prepared and designed separately by NMC¬OCW.
OCW have already completed restoration work of almost 288 km in many command areas. Further as rehabilitation and restoration work are continuous process, both are going on war footing in highly congested and densely populated command areas especially of North, East and Central Nagpur.


In 34 command areas, OCW have replaced over 432 Km new pipeline and also replaced almost 71342 house service connections (HSCs ) (Up to Nov 4, 2014). Along with actual rehabilitation work of the uninterrupted (24×7) water supply project, NMC-OCW is also replacing very old network, rusted pipelines under ‘Emergency Works.’ Under emergency works OCW replaced almost 19 km pipeline and here also restoration work has been already completed.

Meanwhile, The Orange City Water (OCW) which is implementing Nagpur Municipal Corporations ambitious project of providing uninterrupted water supply project (popularly known as 24X7) has commenced its rehabilitation project (changing of pipelines and HSC’s) in Khamla Ext Command area on.

In Khamla Ext. Command area NMC-OCW is not only replacing age old network and will also be laying new pipelines using HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene) pipes and will provide house service connections (HSCs) at every consumers door-step using MOPE (Medium Density Poly Ethylene) pipes.

The work has been inaugurated by Hon. Corporators Mr Munna Yadav and Mr Gajanan Nishitkar while OCW senior officials Mr Sachin Dravekar, Mr Vaibhav Gajbhiye (Regional Manager, West), Mr Prarnod Gujare (Project Manager) and others were present on the occasion.

It may be mentioned here It must be mentioned here OCW which believes in ‘Safety of Nagpurians, on top of its priorities list’ has replaced almost 432 km pipeline especially in Nonh, East and Central and West Nagpur out of which almost 2S0 km pipeline has been laid by using innovative Horizontal Direction Drilling Machine (HDD), called as an advanced, “Trenchless Technology”. While for other restoration work OCW has already completed restoration of almost 288 km till date.

OCW is using “Trenchless Technology” in many command areas. In this, the whole road is not required to be dug but only two points are excavated after every 100 meter and pipe is laid through them. This technology needs ‘no’ restoration. OCW Is ‘only public utility Company in city, which has started utilizing such technology, as it has minimized traffic disruptions and chances of disturbing existing utilities.

But it is also fact that OCW is creating trenches in lanes (Not on main roads but on internal roads ) and pits for rehabilitation work (24X7 project) and operation and maintenance work of existing water supply system, however during such work unlike other public utility agencies OCW is taking all necessary safety precautions like installation of OCW barricades, safety caution tapes, display boards, sign boards dearly mentioning that work is carried out jointly by NMC and Orange City Water (OCW) for 24X7 project or for operation and maintenance work.