Published On : Tue, Jul 14th, 2015

VM Paradise Builder, aide dupe people of crores


Nagpur: A builder and his accomplice with the help of forged documents duped a bank and several other people of crores of ruppees. After this incident came to fore, the Dhantoli police have arrested both the accused.

The accused Vijay Nikhare (52) is a resident of Panaipeth, Timki and Vinod Devghare(38), resident of Nandanvan. The accused Vinod is a builder, while Vijay is a lab assistant in Sindhu college.

The accused Vinod has a plot at Narsala and has built a flat scheme there by the firm name VM Paradise. Both the accused prepared forged documents of sale deed of flat sold to Vijay. Vijay procured a loan of 8.32 lakh from State Bank of Mysore by mortgaging forged documents.The accused were also not paying the installments and the bank inspected the plot papers to take action against the accused. However, in the inspection it came to fore that the documents are forged. The bank had filed a complaint against the accussed and both were arrested.


According to sources, the accused Vinod has 24 flats in his apartment, however he has sold these flats to more than the allotted flat numbers. He has also taken a lot of money from various other builders, property dealers and financers. All these people, when came to know about this are doing rounds of the police station to get their money back. Both the accused very smartly had prepared forged documents with the help of computers and submitted it in the bank.