Video : Boy sets himself on fire, plunges on girl in Sauncer


Nagpur: A cynic youth, in a fit of rage, set himself on fire in a hotel at Sauncer, near Nagpur and caught hold of a girl standing near him on Saturday. Soon the hotel staff rushed to douse the fire.

The entire horrifying incident was captured in the CCTV camera installed at the restaurant. The footage, a copy of which is with Nagpur Today, clearly shows that the enraged youth, identified as Navneet Junghare was engulfed in flames. He barged into the restaurant and plunged onto the girl. The girl tried to escape but the boy managed to grab her. Police have registered a case of attempt to murder against the youth.


Sources informed that the youth had spilled petrol all over his body to immolate himself. He has been admitted to a hospital where his condition was reportedly critical.

Both the man and woman has been referred to Nagpur hospital for better medical treatment. Navneet reportedly poured petrol over himself near the hotel located close to Bajaj Chowk. The girl’s father was also present at the time of incident.

Spotting the act, the staff rushed with buckets of water and doused the fire.

Sources reported that that youth is currently facing the charges of making viral the obscene picture of a girl belonging to his village. The girl who was attacked was said to be the witness in the case. Sources reported that due to this reason, the youth tried to kill himself and the witness.