New Delhi: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared the Civil Services Examination 2016 results on Wednesday. Based on the results of the written part of Civil Services Examination, 2016 held by the UPSC in December, 2016 and the interviews for Personality Test held in March-May, 2017, the commission has selected 1099 candidates for the appointment in various services. Nandini KR from Karnataka topped the prestigious UPSC CS exam 2016 while Anmol Sher Singh Bedi and Gopalakrishna Ronanki secured the second and third ranks respectively.
Including the topper Nandini K R, three female candidates found their place in top ten, Saumya Pandey (4th rank) and Shweta Chauhan (7th rank) are other candidates.
1099 candidates have been recommended for appointment to Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service; and Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’.
500 students qualified in general category while 347 candidates were selected in OBC category. 163 and 89 candidates were selected in SC and ST categories respectively. Over 11.36 lakhs civil services aspirants had registered for the preliminary exam which was conducted in August last year.
Appointment to the various Services will be made according to the number of vacancies available with due consideration to the provisions contained in the Rules for the Examination, said a statement from UPSC.
The UPSC civil services examination is conducted by the commission annually in three stages – Preliminary, Main and Interviews.