Published On : Sat, Jul 8th, 2017

Unprotected transformer at Gokul, are SNDL and NMC bent on ‘murders’ again??


SNDL Ola charging station
: The horrifying deaths by electrocution of first two twins, Priyansh and Piyush Dhar and then a five years old child are still fresh in the minds of Nagpurians.

Everyone who has seen their innocent photos and read about their painful deaths has shuddered thinking ‘it could have been my child too!’.

As a result of the uproar, some officials of NMC, SNDL and the builder of the society that was built under the HT wire have been arrested.

But as Advocate Akshay Samarth, points out “many complaints were made about this live HT wire by residents of Armors society, but no action was taken. This negligence makes the children’s death, not accident, but murder by apathetic officials concerned. Sadly and shockingly they have learnt nothing from these deaths, otherwise a 100 KVA transformer wouldn’t have been sanctioned and also built very speedily at Gokul, where 500 families reside.”

Samarth is alluding to the transformer that was specially installed for Ola cabs recharging at Gokul housing society.

This was done despite many pleas and applications by residents of the society to NMC, NIT and SNDL since the last 3 months.

The Ola charging station has not been approved by NMC, in fact they were under notice, then why did SNDL show such haste in granting them the connection and also installing a special transformer for them?

But the most shocking aspect of the transformer is that flouting all rules of safety, it has been installed outside the Ola compound, on public land, right at the edge of the narrow lane.

And there is no protective wall or wiring around it to prevent children from getting too close to it.

“First of all even having such a transformer in a crowded residential area is risky and should not have been allowed” say disturbed people living in the building right across from the charging station.

“Suppose something happens to our children too, how will they make up our tremendous loss? Can anyone replace their precious boys to the Dhar couple?”

The power connection of this transformer was cut today, but only because there was a demolition order against the charging station.

They have been given 7 days to either ‘regularize’ their station or move.

Suppose worse comes to worse and rules are bent and broken to make the charging station ‘legal’ will the transformer remain where it is and get power connection again?

Such apprehensions rightly haunt parents and families living in Gokul.