Nagpur: Anti-Corruption Burea (ACB), Nagpur caught a Traffic Police Contable for demanding bribe of Rs 500 from a two-wheeler owner. The accused has been identified as Sanjay Shridhar Shinde who is attached to West Zone of Traffic Branch in Nagpur. On February 1, the accused Police Constable was on duty at Koradi Post. Shinde stopped the two-wheeler rider and checked the papers of the vehicle and kept them with him. Later, the accused cop demanded Rs 500 as bribe for sparing the two-wheeler rider of any action under Motor Vehicles Act. However, instead of giving the bribe, the vehicle owner lodged a complaint with ACB.
The ACB sleuths, acting on the complaint, laid a trap on February 2 and caught the police constable while demanding the bribe money. The accused even showed his readiness to accept the amount. The ACB registered a case against the accused under Prevention of Corruption Act. Further probe is under way