State-run power companies not yet paid Rs 66,000 cr loan, says Bawankule

Nagpur: Even as the cash starved Maharashtra government is struggling to arrange finances for loan waiver scheme, the 3 power utilities in the state has further piled up the loan burden. Nearly Rs 66,000 crore loan is yet to be...

by Nagpur Today | Published 7 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Monday, June 26th, 2017

बिगड़ रही है पॉवर कंपनियों की हालत !- बिक्री के लिए कतारबद्ध है कई कम्पनिया

File Pic नागपुर/रायपुर: एक समय ऐसा भी था जब देश के कई राज्यों में बिजली का संकट बना रहता था. लेकिन पिछले एक दशक के दौरान बिजली उत्पादन बढ़ाने पर जोर दिए जाने के साथ साथ वैकल्पिक ऊर्जा स्रोतों का...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, June 26th, 2017

Power companies on a downfall, Many companies lined up for auction

File Pic Nagpur/ Raipur: Once a time ago there was a continuous scarcity of the electricity in many states of India. But during last decade things have been changed. electricity production has been increased and alternate sources have been tried. Due...