Maha Metro Planted 17 Saplings for Every Tree Removed
• Metro Exceeds Norms, 17 Instead of 5 Saplings Planted for Every Tree Removed • Trees Conservation: Maha Metro’s Spirit & Mission • Plantation & Transplantation: Environment Conservation, Maha Metro Way • Metro Plantation to Reduce Carbon Footprint by 145 Ton per year • Just Trimming Saved 427 Trees...
Plant a tree to register your car – bizarre condition by Nagpur RTO !
Representational Pic Nagpur: Pradeep Naththuji Khapekar, owner of a popular Saoji eatery in South Nagpur, bought a Nano car for his youngest son last week. He wanted to present the car to his youngest son, who has recently been employed in...
वृक्ष लागवडीचा महाराष्ट्र पॅटर्न तयार करा – सुधीर मुनगंटीवार
मुंबई: वन विभागाने गतवर्षी लोकसहभागातून राज्यात २ कोटी ८२ लाख झाडे लावली. यावर्षी दि. १ जुलै ते ७ जुलै या कालावधीत आपण सर्वांनी मिळून ४ कोटी झाडे लावायची आणि जगवायची आहेत. येत्या तीन वर्षात राज्यात ५० कोटी वृक्ष आपल्याला लावायचे...
Ramgarhia Forum plants tree at the hands of Dr. Mane
Nagpur: Making an attempt to give green cover to Vaishali Nagar Ghat, Maharaja Jassa Singh Ramgarhia Sikh Welfare Forum, a city NGO carried tree plantation drive at the hands of Dr. Milind Mane, MLA Nagpur North. Dr. Mane on this occasion...