मिनरल वाटर के नाम पर बेच रहे बोरवेल का पानी : गजभिये
File Pic नागपुर: विधान परिषद सदस्य प्रकाश गजभिये ने शीतकालीन अधिवेशन के दौरान नागपुर में बड़े पैमाने पर बोरवेल व कुएं के पानी को कैन में भरकर मिनरल वाटर के नाम पर बेचे जाने का मुद्दा उठाया था. उन्होंने कहा...
Mineral water suppliers playing with the health of people: Prakash Gajbhiye
File Pic Nagpur: The people are being ditched in the name of mineral water they are being supplied bore well water informed MLA Prakash Gajbhiye in Maharashtra Legisltive Council during the winter session. He said, specially the mineral water is supplied...
Water ! Water !!!
File Pic Nagpur: “ Thanda paani bottle..thanda paani bottle” I woke up by the familiar slogan in train on my way back home. I hurriedly called him and took one bottle and relaxed. While taking one sip of cold water...