Suryodaya College of Engineering & Technology, Vihirgaon, Nagpur conducted cleanliness drive at Anganwadi Kendra & nearby areas at village Adyali on the occasion of begining of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth year celebrations.
The volunteers spread message of cleanliness during the drive. Soon after, a programme was held in which Dr. Santosh Chede, Principal, SCET delivered lecture on importance of cleanliness.
Shri Dipakji Chafle, president of NRDRS, Shri Ranjitji Chafle, secretory of NRDRS, Prof. Vivek G. Parhate, Vice-Principal and Mr. Abhishek Belkhede, Director of SCET appreciated for this drive.
Prof. Manoj Baseshankar, NSS Programme Officer, Prof. Rasika Chafle, Prof. Madhuri Ninawe, Prof. Bondre & others were take keen efforts to make the drive successful.