Published On : Wed, Oct 3rd, 2018

Suyodaya College conducts industrial visit at Khaparkheda thermal plant


Suryodaya college of Engineering & Technology organised an Industrial visit at Khaparkheda Thermal Power station by Electrical Engg. Department especially for semester Third & Fourth student. The main objective behind the visit was to make student aware about how electricity is genereted by using coal.

Students were guided by Er. Pallavi to control room where a orientation of company was given by head Er.Pradip kale.

Maximum production in power station is carried out by means of machinery subdivide in various activities like inception of raw material in boiler section, turbine section to generating station. Finally Finished with the grid that is generated electricity is provied to the grid which show the how effective company works.

Prof. Prasanna P.Titarmare, Head of Electrical Engg Department, encouraged the students to attend such industrial visit. Prof.Rahul Dekate, Prof.D.Wasnik and Prof.(Ms) P. Gaurkhede accompanied the students. Prof.R Gulhane, Prof.(Ms)S.Yende, Prof.N,Kamdi also appreciated the students for their efforts. Shri Dipakji, Chafle,, President, Shri Ranjeetji Chafle, Secretary, Dr, S.Chedhe, Principal, prof.V.G.Parhate, Vice Principal, Mr.Abhishekh Belkhede, Director congratulated the staff for their initiation,