Published On : Fri, Mar 27th, 2015

Spending of Rs 1.20 crore on advertisement for Vice Chancellor’s post echoes in Senate meeting



The issue of staggering Rs 1.20 crore spent on advertisement for the post of Vice Chancellor echoed in Senate Meeting of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU) on Friday with a member demanding details of the spending. Following the demand by Adv Manmohan Bajpayee, other members one-by-one toed his line and sought clarifications from the University Administration. Replying to the demand, Finance and Accounts Officer Puran Meshram informed the member that the advertisement matter has been placed before the ‘Purchase Committee’ and clarified that the next course of action on the issue would be in accordance with the decision of the Committee.

Senate Member Mahendra Nimbarte said that it is not prudent to spend students’ money on advertisement for the post of Vice Chancellor. The Government must be notified about the spending. When the University withholds payment to Rs 86,000 bill it should give a thought in clearing bill of Rs 1.20 crore. Another member Prakash Gedam said that the difference between the direct advertisement and publish through Nikita Media should be drawn and a letter noting the difference should be sent to office of Governor. Ramesh Pise said the advertisement issue lacked accountability whether it is Committee or University.

RTMNU was in dark:
The Chairman Dr Vinayak Deshpande said the Selection Committee published the advertisement in 20 newspapers across the country. The effort may be aimed at maintaining transparency in the selection of Vice Chancellor.  The Registrar Dr Ashok Gomase said that the Vice Chancellor Scrutiny Committee works independently. The RTMNU was not informed by the Committee while giving advertisement contract to Nikita Media though the bill was cleared through office of Registrar. When the bill letter was received the information about over expenditure on the advertisement came to notice. The issue was discussed on phone with the office of Governor and their reply was that the University cannot interfere in the working of Scrutiny Committee.
