S P Yadav, the newly posted Nagpur Commissioner of Police, on Friday assumed office in the presence of a host of other top police officials and policemen. Yadav was handling the responsibility as Additional Director General of CID in Mumbai before his transfer to Nagpur as Commissioner of Police. K K Pathak, who ran the affairs as police chief in Nagpur for over two years, has been shifted to Pune, the most important city after Mumbai, on the same post. In his place Yadav was saddled as Commissioner of Police who took charge of the post from Joint Commissioner of Police Anupkumar Singh today.
However, a battery of media men present on the occasion were disappointed a bit as the new Commissioner of Police S P Yadav politely refused to talk to them and answer any question. The top cop apparently needed some more time to gauge the law and order situation and then pinpoint his priorities. Nevertheless, the new police chief in Nagpur faces a daunting task to meet expectations of citizens as far as crime graph is concerned.