Published On : Mon, Aug 11th, 2014

Rajendra Mulak sees red in face yet again!


nitinraut and rajendramulakNagpur News.

Congress leader and MLC Rajendra Mulak, considered close to the Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan, has been reportedly ruling the roost with heavy hand, specifically in East Vidarbha, even since he was inducted into ministry.

The Chief Minister, who is hell bent on retaining power and keeping his prestige intact, has put his men in every Western Maharashtra and Vidarbha constituencies. In this situation, the all-powerful Mulak has prodded his close confidants to get active, by promising them poll tickets. It meant that Mulak has a whole bunch of candidates for entire Vidarbha constituencies.


In this sequel, Mulak asked his closest aide Abhijit Wanjari to get activate in East Nagpur constituency. His plan was to deprive the strong contender Satish Chaturvedi and allot the ticket to Wanjari as per Rahul Gandhi’s “youth-first” formula. Abhijit too no doubt is interested in contesting the election that is why he was making all out efforts and staking claim for candidature for South Nagpur seat, his home turf. But since the present MLA Dinanath Padole toed the line of Chief Minister and became part of his group, he was assured of ticket for the seat again. Now, after Mulak’s directive, Wanjari deserted his constituency and got activated in East Nagpur with his full might. But the activities of Mulak and Wanjari reached Chaturvedi. Without wasting a minute, Chaturvedi reportedly rang up Mulak and gave him a dressing down. Chaturvedi reportedly minced no words in warning Mulak to stop meddling in East Nagpur affairs otherwise he would face the hardest time in West Nagpur from where Mulak is planning to enter the Assembly. Chaturvedi calmed down only when the rattled Mulak convinced Wanjari to dump East Nagpur  seat.

The sordid episode proved that Chaturvedi is an old war-horse and knows how to grab ticket. On the other hand, Wanjari has refused to bow down and got activated afresh, albeit in South Nagpur constituency in order to make foray into Assembly election. Another outcome of this tussle could be: Central Nagpur lottery may go into Wanjari’s pocket.

Nitin Raut spits fire on Mulak

Rajendra Mulak again faced red-hot situation and got battered wordily when he tried to turn EGS Minister Nitin Raut into a pygmy on the issue of Guardian Minister of Nagpur District. At the time of reshuffle of Guardian Ministers, Mulak, with his high reach to Chief Minister, got his named stamped as Guardian Minister of Nagpur. The move left Raut boiling with anger as he was sidelined and overlooked as he had had made a fervent appeal to CM that he be made Guardian Minister of Nagpur. Raut felt ditched disregarding his claim, seniority and instead giving preference of Nagpur to Mulak who is not even a cabinet minister. Raut immediately phoned the Chief Minister and told him that if he cannot respect him then at least do not disrespect. Raut put his foot down and refused to accept the change. A beleaguered Chavan then quietly withdrew the order. Thereafter, Raut visited Delhi and played Dalit card before the Congress high command. Finally, he was made Guardian Minister of Nagpur District but not before spitting fire on Mulak and putting him on the edge.

Satish searching two strong Teli candidates to counter Khopde

After tackling Rajendra Mulak in his own way, Satish Chaturvedi has now started laying a siege of party and the East Nagpur constituency. He is scanning each and every area and collecting minutest information on pros and cons as a part of a well-planned strategy. The strategy to seek revenge of 35000-vote defeat in the last election. He has come to the one-point conclusion that the conqueror BJP candidate Krishna Khopde belongs to Teli community and the constituency is the stronghold of community. With this equation pricking his mind, Chaturvedi is now searching for two strong Teli candidates and field them in the constituency. His game plan is to divide Teli community votes and smash fort of Khopde. A think-tank has advised Chaturvedi to put money on Corporator Sanjay Mahakalkar and push his candidature as an independent. But nothing is final as far as Chaturvedi is concerned.

Chaturvedi hands with Vikas Thakre

Outraged by disdainful acts of Mulak, Chaturvedi has now decided to extend helping hand to Vikas Thakre who is seeking ticket from West Nagpur constituency. Chaturvedi move may spoil the party of Mulak in the election. Once Vikas and Satish were bitter political rivals of each other but the recent Lok Sabha poll brought them together on a common platform. Moreover, Vikas Thakre making foray is being seen as a certainty, no party ticket or ticket. In any case, Chaturvedi has decided to back Vikas and create jitters for Mulak.