Published On : Wed, Apr 17th, 2019

Passengers detain Azad Hind Exp for 1 hour over non-functioning AC


Nagpur: The main Railway Station in the city on Tuesday witnessed ruckus as passengers detained Howrah-Pune Azad Hind Express for an hour over non-functioning of AC in one of the coaches. The passengers pulled chain frequently to show their anger. The Railway and RPF officials tried to prevail over passengers but in vain. The passengers in the affected AC 2 coach were adjusted in AC 3 coach and the train finally departed for its onward journey.

The train 12130 Azad Hind Express departed from Howrah for Pune on Monday at 9.45 pm. By the time it reached Raipur, half of AC 2 coach experienced non-functioning of air conditioner. The sweltering heat made passengers extremely uneasy and they lodged a complaint at Raipur Station. But the train started for its onward journey even before the AC could be repaired. The helpless passengers had to seat quietly and suffer heat in the running train.


While the train was approaching Nagpur, a team Railway officials, RPF jawans were already on platform number 8. As the train rolled down at 4.40 pm, the passengers gave vent to their anger and demanded rectification of AC. The efforts of Station Master Nagdive, Senior DEE Namdeo Rabde, Deputy Station Master Atul Shrivastav to cal down passengers proved futile. The fuming passengers resorted to chain pulling whenever the train started moving and thus detained it for an hour.

In the meantime, technicians too tried to repair the AC but could not succeed. Finally, the passengers in affected AC 2 coach were adjusted in AC 3 coach and the train departed for its onward journey at 5.40 pm.