Published On : Fri, Sep 25th, 2015

Pakistan and IS flags sighted in J&K after Bakr-Eid namaz


Pak flag
Srinagar/ Nagpur:
Soon after the namaz of Bakr-Eid at Idgah area in Srinagar on Friday, the flags of Pakistan ans IS were sighted. The unruly mob pelted stones on the police and security forces. In retaliation, the police fired tear-gas shells at the mob. In such a violent agitation by mob, several agitators are reported to be injured. It is said that some youths shouted anti-India slogans.

Internet banned for 40 hrs in J&K
It may be mentioned that the intelligence services had informed about violent incidents in advance. Apprehending any serious fall out, the J&K government had to imposed ban on internet services for 40 hours, from 5 am of Sept 25 to 10 pm of Sept 26, on the occasion of Bakr-Eid, with a view to maintain peace. On Thursday, the DGP Kashmir ordered all internet service providers to abide by the ban orders. As precautionary measures, certain separatist leaders were placed under house arrest. The BJP-PDP government in J&K apprehended some mischief that might break out on the occasion of Bakr-Eid and that the internet and social media might fan the issue like beef-ban.

Salient news: Pak-IS flags are waved on every Friday in Srinagar:
1)July 17–Friday: A strong protest was staged after Friday namaz in Nohatta area of Srinagar. Protesters waved the flags of ISIS and Lashkar-e-Tyeba.
2) July 24–After namaz at Jamia Masjid, Srinagar, certain elements, wearing masks, were sighted with ISIS flags.
3)July 31– In front of the same Masjid the flags of ISIS and Lashkar-e-Tyeba were sighted.
4) August 7–In Jamia Masjid area, Srinagar once again the flags of Islamic State and Lashkar (Pakistan) were sighted.
5) August 14–Pakistani flags were sighted at many places in Srinagar on the anniversary of Independence of Pakistan. A woman separatist leader, Dukhtaran-e-Millat chief Asia Andrabi openly pitched Pakisani flag and IS flag in Srinagar and also addressed her party workers.
Similar anti-India activities were exhibited in Srinagar on August 21, 28, September 13 and 18, 2015 and agitators always attacked the police and security forces.


A group of 12 youths behind such incidents
According to police officers, there is a group of 12 youths behind waving of flags of ISIS and Pakistan, and the members of this group have been identified by CCTV cameras and intelligence inputs, and a constant watch on them is being maintained round the clock. It is also being surmised as to where from this group gets funding.

Whether the skins of Qurbani-animals are sold to raise funding!
ABP news channel claims that Mumbai bomb blast incidents’ mastermind Hafiz Syed is engaged in raising funds for his Jamat-ud-Dava and Lashkar-e-Tyeba. And for this, he is collecting the skins of animals of Qurbani including Bakr-Eid Qurbani, for which he has already deployed his men on the border, so that the skins may be obtain in abundance and sold out for heavy amount. However, the agencies have issued ‘alert’ in this regard. According to a report, last year Rs 35 crore were raised through sale of skins of animals.

Syed is adopting via-means
After Hafiz Syed run organisation’s bank-accounts have been sealed, he is engaged in other means to raise funds. Reports say that Pakistan government has placed Hafiz Syed in watch-list. It is said that all banned outfits like Jaish-e-Mohammad, Jama-ud-Dava, Tahariq Galba-e-Islam, Harkat-ul-Muzahidin, Ansar-ul-Umah and other organisations through their ‘front organization’ are raising funds for terrorist acts by selling animal-skins. For example, Jamat-ud-Dava’s front organization is Falah-e-Insaniyat which generates fund for Jamat-ud-Dava.