Published On : Mon, Oct 3rd, 2022

Nagpur’s Reshma Zoting brings light to dark homes as Mahavitaran’s ‘linewoman’


This ‘linewoman’ is taking on the job which was dominated by men for several years

Nagpur: Repairing faulty electric connections is no longer the exclusive preserve of linemen. A ‘linewoman’ is taking on the job which was dominated by men for several years.


The name of this female lineman is Reshma Zoting of Nagpur. She is working as a ‘linewoman’ with equal strength in this field which is monopolized by men. If poles lost power, someone’s house got dark due to an electricity outage, Reshma rushes with her team with the same promptness. She lights up the house by instantly repairing the fault in the power line, according to a report in a local Marathi daily Sakal.

The report said, Reshma is a ‘linewoman’ at Mahavitran’s Mahal area centre. She joined as a technician in 2012 and takes care of 7 to 8 electrical appliances there. If there is a fault in someone’s house or pole line, it is immediately responded to by Reshma and her team. Faults are corrected and power supply is restored. In the rainy season, immediate service has to be provided and Reshma is ever ready for the job.

When there is a power outage, people get angry. Subsequently, Reshama has to face the situation bravely. Along with men, she is doing maintenance and repair of the electrical system, checking faulty meters, collecting electricity bills, climbing poles and many other tasks, the report said.

Reshma got married seven years ago. Husband is in a pharma company. They have two daughters aged 3 and 5 years. Reshma’s duty is from 8 am to 4 pm is first shift and 4 pm to 12 pm in the second shift. At the time of going home, there are sudden ‘breakdowns’. Time to come to work as it is field work. There is no fixed time to go home. The girls are waiting at home. Reshma also has to fulfill another responsibility of going home and taking care of the kids.

The ‘linewoman’ Reshma Zoting says, “Never felt the fear of being electrocuted. No work is done without courage. A lineman is a man’s job. However, I never felt inferior while working alongside men. It is a struggle to manage the responsibilities of home and work,” she asserted.