Published On : Sat, Aug 8th, 2015

Minor girl raped by neighbour


Nagpur: In a shocking incident, a minor girl was raped by a neighbour on Friday. Pachpaoli police have registered offences under relevant sections against the accused youth and have arrested him.

According to police, the victim was playing in front of her house at about 5 pm. The accused, identified as Marotrao Kamble (22), asked her to come to his house to watch television. After entering his house and seeing nobody around, he raped her.

When the girl reached her house, she was crying in pain. When asked about the reason by her mother, she narrated the entire incident to her.


As soon as the news reached the neighbourhood, people got angry and started looking for Sandeep who fled from the scene.
The mother of the victim lodged a complaint with Pachpaoli police station. The police have registered an offence under section 376 of the IPC and under sections 7 and 8 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act against the accused Sandeep. Further investigations are under way.