Maratha activist Manoj Jarange launched an indefinite fast on Saturday demanding implementation of the draft notification that recognises as Kunbis all blood relatives of Maratha community members.
He also sought framing of a law to identify Kunbis as Marathas, and warned of fielding candidates from all 288 assembly seats in Maharashtra in the upcoming state polls if his demands were not approved.
Jarange launched the fresh round of agitation at his native Antarwali Sarati village in Ambad tehsil of Maharashtra’s Jalna district around 10.30 am even as the district administration and the police authorities have denied permission for it.
He has been demanding Other Backward Community tag for the Marathas and implementation of the draft notification issued by the state government earlier this year for issuing certificates to blood relatives of eligible Kunbi Marathas.
Kunbi, an agrarian group, falls under the OBC category, and Jarange has been demanding that Kunbi certificates be issued to all Marathas, thus making them eligible for quota benefits.