Nagpur: The Institute of Military Law, Kamptee celebrated 34th Corps Day of Judge Advocate Department on 21 Dec 2017 with gaiety & aplomb. A cake cutting ceremony and high Tea was organised which was attended by officers, troops and the civilian staff of Institute of Military Law. Messages from the Chief of Army Staff, the Adjutant General, the JAG were read. Brig Vijay Kumar, Comdt, IML on exhorted the officers and all ranks of IML to rededicate themselves to the JAG Motto “Nyaya Eva Dharma” i.e. Justice alone is the Supreme duty.
A ceremonial function was held at the IML officer’s Mess. The function was attended by the senior Army officers and Air Force Officers of Nagpur and Kamptee. A cultural programme was organised by students officers of JAC- 27.
The JAG’s Department is one of the oldest organizations of the Indian Army. It came into existence sometime in early period of East India Company. History of JAG’s Department is Intrinsically linked with institution of courts martial. It is also believed that the system of Courts Martial was adopted from the military jurisprudence of Germany. The first reference to the designation Judge Advocate General is found in the Articles of war, 1765, Until 1945, there were no Indian Officers as regular members of the department. After amendment of British Army Act in 1945, conferring eligibility on Indian Commissioned officers to be members of the Court Martial, the process of Indianisation of the Department started. Lt Col DM Sen was the first Indian officer to be appointed as First Judge Advocate General of Independent India in the rank of Brigadier.
Thereafter, the Department was gradually built up to its strength. The most important task that fell to the JAG’s Department after Independence was to examine the draft Constitution at its preliminary stage so far as it related to or concern Armed Forces. Dr B R Ambedkar invited Brig D M Sen to discuss the suggestions recommended by the Department. The view of Department was accepted and provisions of Art 33,34, 136 (2) and 227 (4) were in corporate. The task of drafting the Army Act was taken up by Department. The Army Bill was drafted and a special conference of the Army Commander’s was called to consider the new Army Bill. Finally the Bill was introduced in the Constituent Assembly on 21 Dec 1949 and it received the assent of the President on 22 Jul 1950. Thus, Army Act, 1950 came into existence. JAG’s Department is headed by Maj Gen VC Chitravanshi, VSM, Judge Advocate General (Army).