Published On : Fri, May 1st, 2020

Govt puts all metro cities in Red Zone


NewDelhi: Union Health Ministry has released a list of districts across the country categorised as Red, Orange and Green Zones. The health ministry has decided to put all metro cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, in the Red Zone.

The Red Zone cities also include Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Ahmedabad. The demarcation will help the government to finalise the lockdown exit plan following May 3 and whether it will be extended in some areas or the blanket ban on activities will continue.


The districts have been divided into three categories Red Zone, Orange Zone and Green Zone.As per the new classification, a district will be considered a Green Zone if there are no confirmed cases so far or no reported case in the last 21 days (instead of 28 days).

With Maharashtra crossing 10,000 coronavirus cases, the highest in the country, 14 districts have been named as red zones. In Delhi 11 districts, 12 districts in Tamil Nadu, 19 districts in Uttar Pradesh, 10 districts in West Bengal, 9 each in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh and 8 districts in Rajasthan have been declared red zones.