Published On : Wed, May 22nd, 2024

Gondwana Club Members Raise Concerns Over Proposed Solar Panels on Tennis Courts


Nagpur: Gondwana Club members have expressed strong concerns about a proposal to install solar panels on the club’s tennis courts. In a letter addressed to club president Jatin Kale, a large number of members highlighted the potential negative impact on the sport of tennis.


The members argued that placing solar panels over the tennis courts is an unprecedented idea that would alter the nature of the sport, making it neither fully indoor nor outdoor. They emphasized that this change would strip tennis of its fundamental characteristic as an outdoor activity, a feature highly valued by the club’s members and numerous city bureaucrats.

One of the key points raised was the benefit of playing tennis outdoors, which includes exposure to fresh air and natural surroundings. Members noted that indoor facilities typically offer limited ventilation and rely on recycled air, which can lead to reduced oxygen intake and stiffness during intense matches. This, they argued, could negatively affect player performance and overall well-being.

While the members acknowledged and appreciated the club’s initiative to reduce energy consumption and embrace renewable energy as part of its environmental commitment, they stressed the importance of balancing these efforts with the preservation of the club’s sporting facilities. They emphasized that energy-saving measures should not compromise the integrity and enjoyment of the sports activities offered by the club.

Furthermore, the members pointed out potential issues with visibility under a roofed structure, particularly for veteran players, which could impede the natural flow and dynamics of the game. They urged President Kale to consider alternative locations for the solar panels that would maintain the club’s commitment to sustainability without disrupting its cherished sporting traditions.