Published On : Wed, Sep 19th, 2018

GMC, MARD accord rousing treat to Bappa at Ganesh fest!


Nagpur: Government Medical College Nagpur and Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors have come together to accord a grand welcome to Lord Bappa. The enthusiastic lot of emerging doctors has organised grand and pompous Ganpati Festival Celebrations held in the college premises from 13th to 17th September.

Shivani Raut

The festivities kicked off with auspicious Sthaapna of Bappa on the first day, when the very innovative music-makers of Shivgarjana set in the festive mood. To keep the spirit going, the celebrated was followed by two days of melodious music and energetic dance programme presented by the doctors and medical students.


Dr. Raj ratna Ramteke and Vaibhav Nayak

Shivani Jadhao

Mr.Ramteke dr. Nitin and Piyush

Gaurav Kudmate baba

The last day saw the supremely talented actors of Sahitya Kala Manch (SaKaMa) deliver an outstanding comedy act which kept the audience burst in laughter. The drama, titled “Saha vaazle ka?” was an amazingly written and executed play by the students of GMCH.

Medha Balpande

Bappa was given an emotional farewell on the same day with lots of gaiety and fervour and also hopes of seeing him soon next year.

Pankaj Patle